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May 19, 2010


Two important components go hand in hand

by PerformancEDU

Nutrition and exercise go hand in hand. And they are undeniably related to each other. I eat the way that I do because of the way it makes me feel. It’s not about counting calories and fat grams. It’s not about fad dieting. It’s all about the way I FEEL. The foods I put in my body leave me feeling light and free. And therefore, my energy is able to flow freely throughout my body. On the same side, I train the way that I do because of the way it makes me FEEL. Moving my body gives me energy! And when I have energy and it’s flowing throughout my body, I am so much more open to everything life has to offer! It’s not about burning last night’s dinner or fitting into my bathing suit. Yes … these are often pleasant side effects, but that’s not what it’s about. Getting your blood and oxygen flowing allows your body to naturally detox more effectively. Plus it makes you feel good – leaving you ready to conquer the day! And if you’re able to find someone to train with … then the positive vibes are amplified! I am so blessed and grateful to have Marc Digesti in my life because he makes training FUN! And that’s the key!! So, challenge yourself to tweak your mindset … think in different ways. Get outside of your shell. Try something new! So much of your success comes from your own mind – and that can be good or bad! But you have the power to decide!! Think about it!

Jenny Anderson

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